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Keep Your Office Clean This Flu Season

Cold and Flu Season, What a affliction! Yes, pun intended. Being prepared to combat now of year, especially in your work environment, are often a challenge. Of course, nobody possesses to inform you ways many germs float around during a medical office each day . Likely, every countertop in your office is “decorated” with hand sanitizers, while bathrooms boldly remind everyone to “Wash your Hands”. But, more work is required to prevent the spread of germs. this text will offer helpful reminders to remain your office clean this flu season.

1. Stay Home If You’re Sick!
Staying home if you’re sick – “not an option” you’d possibly say? Well, consider the results . what percentage touch surfaces do i are available contact with at your office? Too many to count? Door handles, cabinet handles, shared mobile devices, clipboards, faucet handles, and thus the list goes on. These can all be considered germ bearing potentials – both in terms of ‘leaving behind’ germs also as ‘picking up’ germs.

2. Keep Your Personal Workspace Sanitized
Keeping your personal workspace clean and sanitized could appear to be sense . However, how often do i sanitize wipe your keyboard, mouse, desk, conference tables and other touchpoints in your office? During cold and flu season, it’s getting to not be overkill to sanitize wipe your work areas a minimum of once per day, if less . do i eat in your office? If so, it’s getting to be knowing sanitize wipe your eating area before each use.

It is important to work along side your cleaning company to form sure the suitable quantity of cleanings, a well-designed task-based cleaning program, and thus the right germ-killing cleaning agents. An experienced commercial cleaning company can assist you with of those requirements.

Contact us today, and we’ll start on your custom cleaning program. And actually , we’ll help keep your office clean this flu season!